Level UP Workshop: Reputation Management
Date and Time
Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM PDT
Wednesday, June 20
12-1:30 p.m.
Tahoe Chamber Conference Room
169 Hwy 50
Stateline, NV 89449
$10 Chamber members
$20 Non-chamber members
Contact Information
Brady Johnson, Communications and Marketing Manager
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When people search for your business online, what will they see first? Will they see a customer’s angry review of your business before your carefully crafted business listing? Search results often feature a link to a review site—or a Google Business listing—above an individual company's web page. Understanding how these rankings play an important role in your business traffic is key for any business owner, and knowing how your brand is perceived on the internet is more important than ever.
In this workshop, we will focus on how business owners and managers can monitor what people are saying about your company, how to address potentially damaging reviews, and how to highlight the positive aspects of your brand. We'll look at popular review sites, share tips on answering negative reviews, and how to promote your brand online.
Workshop Facilitator: Georgette Hartley (Digital Marketing Consultant, Team Vagner)
The cost for each Level UP workshop is $10 for chamber members and $20 for non-chamber members. This workshop is a "lunch and learn" style so be sure to bring your "brown bag" lunch.
Tahoe Chamber's Level UP workshop series brings the latest business resources and hot topics to the South Shore business community.